Monday, September 29, 2008

Pooch Party in Richmond Hill

I had my first showing of my work at the second Annual Pooch Party in Richmond Hill.
For me it was a great success, I met lots of new people and made some really great friends. 
Had lots of people come by and ask questions and take a card for future work. the Pudge painting was a great attraction and so was the sculpt. My drawings got a lot of compliments and yes I felt good and proud about everything. People were really happy and pleased with my talents and I was excited to see the reactions from everyone. But what really made the whole thing special was when a crowd of my Peeps from the T-Dot Frenchies showed up,  frenchies in tow and everyone was going nuts loving the Frenchies. lol it was great. 
Thanks to everyone who stopped by and said hi to me. it was my pleasure to have met all of the new fans. I look forward to hearing from you.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Ittybittybullies website is now closed.

Just to inform everyone that my original itty bitty bullies website is now closed. It is no longer operational. To follow my work and to my many fans, my work will continue just in this Blog Format.  So I hope everyone will continue to see my name and my work throughout the Frenchie world and links.

Erick Cervantes

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Pudge is 99% Done

Ok so as you can all see I have been working hard on getting the Pudge on here. lol  I took three pics of it just to see how the light affects it. I am really pleased with this one, I just keep getting better and better, not bragging.
I did lots of touching up and lots of viewing, I am just about there and feel it will be an awesome portrait. Love the colours and love the pose. His eyes really make the image and I am deliriously happy with it. I need to step away from it and leave it for a few days, then go back to it and see where I can improve upon it.
As you can see I really love working on the face, the body is second to me. Cause really when a person looks at the Portrait they will focus on the eyes and see if there is anything there. I love putting life into the eyes. Not to say that the body should be ignored, cause that too is important.  All my paintings have little things in them that give the portrait that certain something. I think Pudge has some nice subtle copper highlights, looks real nice. I usually do mostly bust images but this one was so cute I chose to do the whole thing. Love his little bear sit pose. Both back legs through the front legs, lol very cute Pude.
Erick Cervantes

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Pudge Portrait

Ok so here I am during the process of the painting.
Mr. Pudge is being Immortalized on Canvas.
I am working on the eyes, even though I thought I was done with the left eye I will be working on that one again cause they both have to look uniform. Trust me the eyes take a very long time to do, due to detail has to be just right this is no Yoke, lol trust me. lol heheheeh 
I must be feeling better now. lol ..........the bad jokes are coming out, lol 
You see to have a beautiful portrait worth bragging about, you need to be a bit of a perfectionist, I am not talking about a pickass, or a tightass perfectionist, I am talking about a cool, relaxed, chilled out kind of perfectionist, some one who lets the brush lead the hand and then the eyes follow. See what I mean. I still let the brush just flow baby, just let it flow. 
I do get great results too, so who could complain. 

Oh The " Pudge "

In this last image you see that I have continued on the Muzzle and mouth area.  I fixed the colour and did both ears to my satisfaction. Now looking at both eyes I see that I love the second eye but I will work on the first eye to get it looking more like the second eye. I am very happy with the results so far though. I have already put several hours in this today. i am talking like 4 hours jut today, so you can see what I mean by when I say have patience cause NICE work takes hours. GOOD work takes days, GREAT work takes months. 
I will most likely be looking at this image over and over again till I am happy with it. I will be touching up this and that and adding somethings and removing somethings but in the end, you all gonna love it.
So enjoy,  and the lesson continues later.
Erick Cervantes

" The Pudge"

So as you all can see I have been busily working on this beautiful Pudge Painting. In this image you see  the image of his face shows the difference in colour from both sides. But I have so much to do still. It will eventually get better and better. there are so many layers and colours and textures that you wont even see when I am done but together they all make the image right. 
I am getting excited on the results thus far.  I hope you all see what I see. Let me know Peeps.
I just love it when the eyes start talking to me. that is when I know it is all coming together.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

The continuation of Pudge

So here now you see that I have updated the one side of the face. Pudge is slowly becoming an immortal, lol 
Believe me it  takes hours and  layers and layers of different colours to get the effect you are looking for. Just his one side alone has an array of colour such as reds,  grays,  blues, yellows, shades of white related to the colours stated above and then some black to punch up the dark areas. 
The eyes are what takes the most time to do. Cause the image can look great but if the eyes are off, the whole things looks wrong.  So as you can see how nice he is looking. But like I said before, just let the brush flow and don't worry too much about the details till you have the base colours down. 
Hope you all like the progress so far.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Pudge Painting Documentary

Ok so as you see now I have added some base colours to the Pudge painting. I use all light colours and apply them accordingly to what my eyes see. There are blues,  reds,  yellows, browns, greys,  blacks, and so on all a shade of white. 
I know it looks funny right now but the end result is what it is all about. 
So feel free to leave comments or advice and we will get to the end. It will be a nice pc when done. I myself do not know what it will end up like but I am sure it will ROCK. 